Best I Ever Had (A Curhat Story)

8:05:00 PM

I have this kind of hobby when holiday comes;
Driving alone in the morning with nothing but just enjoying the radio.
Because sometimes the talk in the car can be so tedious, I don't really like it that much when my introvert part of myself is emerging.

And I just did it again this morning. But the different was I had a purpose in my pocket, It wasn't just a random trip after all.

21 Guns by Green Day was playing on my usual radio station, I was pretty much in awe since this song hadn't been played for such a long time. So I decided to made my morning solitude trip longer,

"After one song," I murmured "and I'll be back home."

But this girl could never be able to fulfilled her promise when a temptation flooded her mind, after another nostalgic song is being played afterwards; Best I Ever Had by Vertical Horizon.

I smiled widely and my fingers were unawarely tumbling on steering wheel along with the tempo. "This was once the best." I couldn't help my memories to turning back away to every memories made when this song was released, far before my elementary years. I started to remembering vaguely those well-spent Sundays I had with my family, I started remembering every smiles made when this song was played on the same radio years back, and all those memories I referred as the best ones. And all of a sudden I was questioning myself while listening to this song (and yet I didn't actually went home after one song), a very random thought that tangled in my mind;

What was it the best I ever had?

The song muffled in my ears after the thought was echoed loudly in my head. I slowed down quite a bit, and drove in a long lane at 30. Then I began to summed up the list of my best I ever had.

The first thing that popped up into my mind was my previous cellphone, an old Samsung Note 4 which was stolen. Although I am now have its replacement already, but nothing could beaten my oldie who has been my companion since my freshmen year in high school.
I took a lot like A LOT of photographs using my Note 4; selfies, panoramic photos, group photos, and plenty of memorable photographs were taken using my Note 4 for almost 4 years. And when it was stolen the first thing that came up into my mind was, would I be able to access through my phone's gallery?

And you must have know the answer.
Because I am a proud self-careless whom overconfident for never give a damn to do any kind of back-ups. Ha!

It was sad, undeniably upsetting tragedy in my life. This may sounds exaggerating but I swear I was really sad for the fact that I lost half of my gallery. Yes, I got some of the back-ups from cloud drive and my laptop. But they do not have most of them, because the raggedy thief also stole my DSLR,

The second best thing I ever had.

It took a lot of hardwork and starvation (really) to owned my very first DSLR I bought by myself. And I was milking money out of it too, so you must have known how did it felt like when it was stolen. Broken and broke; think about how many photography-related projects I have to declined because I don't have any of them anymore. Neither my Note 4 nor my DSLR, on exactly 4 days before my birthday.

Then the rain of prayers pouring on me on my birthday.
"You'll got another best ones,"
"God have a better plan for you,"
"It is okay, one day best thing would come to you,"

I was actually dislike when people being extremely too concerned in a curious way about it, but then I realized they were actually care.

Which was the third best thing I ever had.

To be surrounded by a positive people and positive circle in a vulnerable condition was splendid. Because you could see people who are true to yourself since the beginning, when you are in a such vulnerable condition. Shout out to my sister and my brother who had been helping me out when this was happened. You may never read this but you are my primarily the two best persons I ever had.

And also to my best friends out there too. You are all in my special list. Thank you for being  my supporting organs throughout the times.

I feel like a restored gadget with all brand new memories to be made again after this tragedy, and this is the fourth best I ever had. Starting fresh with cold-headed. I wouldn't say that I am a positive, because I keen to be contradictory with my own thought, but I am trying not to remain in the pit of negativity forever. But here we are, creating new memories and histories.

In life, I barely got something I want, but I  always got what I need. Maybe this is how God shows his affection to me, giving me the best thing I should have had. Lost, sadness, disappointment, and all things happened were just part of life.

"If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished?"
Jalaluddin Rumi

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