
12:06:00 PM

A notification popped out on my screen,

A message from my old friend asking me a question,

"If you can tell your 14 years old self, Sha. What would you tell her?"

My mind flews back to that year,

A 14 years-old girl who was naive, and free,

Full of laughters,

Full of sadness she was unaware of.

A smirk carved on my face as I typed the reply message to my friend,

"She, she must've been really shocked. But I will tell her it is a long journey, yet the time is too short. But it is so great if she actually know how to make peace with herself. Yes, peace, it is something she has to work on. And you know, I would always tell her,

'If plan A does not work you always have another plans up to Z that you can figure out. Keep going, keep looking. You always doing a great job, you always know how to achieved those stars, Sasha.' And that's how I want her to see me now."

"So, a woman with plans?" I got texted back.

"I know, she must've been so proud of herself eventually."
Then my mind opened up a big black portal,

As if I was about time-traveled to the memory.

It throws me away to day where that 14 years-old girl stood on the ground,

she was looking at me straight as if she had eavesdrop the whole conversation out.

"So, how are you doing now, Sister?" She asked with fears painted on her eyes.

"Don't worry," I bow down and pat her shoulder tenderly "I will come back with more stories you will proud of."

"I... have.... already proud of you." She stammes.

"But this time, will be your biggest fairytale to come true."

And it left the warmest smile on that lost little girl.

Sasha, 1 Juni 2020.

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